As the fishing season for striped bass comes to a close, there are many questions being asked about the health of the biomass of the fish. At coffee shops, on the internet, conversations with traveling anglers and at tackle shop; the issue is the poor striped bass season that is just ending. Was there to much bait? Was there to little bait? Was the water to cold? Did the stripers mostly migrate to Nova Scotia? Is the biomass of striped bass in steep decline indicating another collapse which could endanger the future of the fish and fishing for them? The questions go on and on. The bottom line is: striped bass anglers are concerned. Maine's Department of Marne Resources will host a meeting to address the issue. See the details below:
Maine Department of Marine Resources
Striped Bass Stakeholders Meeting
Tuesday, October 14th, 6 to 8 pm
DMR's Bureau of Sea Run Fisheries and Habitat's
large conference room (rm 106) located at 6 Beech Street Hallowell.
The intent of this meeting is to hear from Maine anglers and those interested in the management of striped bass prior to the next Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission Meeting. DMR staff will present a stock status and catch statistics reports for Maine.
Welcome and Introductions (Commissioner Lapointe)
Stock Status Update (Mike Brown, DMR Staff Scientist and Rep to ASMFC Tec Committee)
Catch Statistics (Bruce Joule, DMR Recreational Fishing Coordinator)
Open Forum (Pat Keliher, Director of Sea Run Fisheries, Terry Stockwell, Director of External Affairs, Commissioner George Lapointe)
DMR's Bureau of Sea Run Fisheries and Habitat is located behind DMR's Headquarters on Beech Street in Hallowell.
From Hallowell's Water Street (or main street) proceed to Winthrop Street
Go up Winthrop Street almost to top of hill and turn right on to Beech Street (go to second brick building on your right, park out back but enter through rear door on the loading dock)
Please pass this meeting notice along to others who you know may be interested in attending.
Patrick Keliher
Bureau of Sea Run Fisheries and Habitat
Maine Department of Marine Resources
Regular Mail
172 State House Station
Augusta, Maine 04333
UPS/Fed Express
6 Beech Street
Hallowell, Maine 04347
(207) 287-9972
(207) 287-9975
Hope many of you can attend. This is a most important beginning of a dialogue on the future of striped bass fishing. Millions of dollars are at stake. We need to insure that schoolie striped bass like the one pictured above are numerous and available in numerous year classes.