The State of Maine striped bass regulations for 2008 allows anglers to keep one fish per day. That one fish may be in a slot from 20 to 26 inches or it may be one fish over 40 inches.
Maine’s striped bass regulations cover all Maine coastal waters up to the head of tide in all rivers. In addition, there are special regulations in effect from December 1 through June 30 in the Kennebec, Sheepscot and Androscoggin Rivers and all related tributaries.
The Pine Tree state's striped bass season is open year round with special regulations set for the famed Kennebec River system where a no keep, no bait and only one hooked lures are allowed from May 1 to July first. For full details and boundries of the special regulation go to:
A special reminder is necessary for anglers to remember that it is illegal to fish for striped bass in federal waters - usually desigated as the "EEZ"